Have an online shop built that scores

Open one that stands out

Do you want to have an online shop built? Then call in someone who understands that there is life after construction. Because your business only starts when your shop is out there. Become findable. Improve. And renew. Hoysem prepares your online shop for growth and the future. This way we make sure your shop grows as fast as you do.

To create your online shop, we build on the fastest-growing e-commerce platform in Europe called Lightspeed eCom. It gives you the online shop of your dreams: Google’s best friend, safe and fast. With a sleek design for desktop and mobile that guides visitors to your shopping cart. And of course, completely equipped to excel with online marketing.

This is how we build your online shop

With the aim of achieving your goals

Anyone can create an online shop. But how about creating one where you can also build your e-commerce business? That’s a challenge. That’s why we start with your targets. We make them as specific as possible. Because your targets, your target group, and your offer largely determine what your online shop will look like. In terms of design and technology.

We first present you with the structure and design that we support. Do you agree? Then we launch the technical development of your online shop. And of course, we include the entire engine that will soon accelerate and analyze your online marketing. The Internet never stands still. So neither does your online shop. That is why you can also rely on us for support, optimization and of course, online marketing. Let’s rock & roll!

Honest online marketing

The way it should be

Would it not be a shame? If the results of your online marketing would disappoint you again. Is it because of your own expectations? Or perhaps your current online marketing agency? You know this much. You’re done. Time for some real work. Because as a real company, you also want real online marketing. Without bullsh*t, with honest advice. You know that being honest can also be tough. Different. Sometimes you even have to say ‘no’. But you also know that honesty won’t let you down again. Because honesty lasts the longest and scores the highest.

Flexible contracts

Fair rates

Transparent strategy

More than 10 years of experience

It is not for nothing that
Hoysem scores a:

Motorcycles United
Hotspot Titanium
Condoom Anoniem
Buurman & Buurman
Barefoot & More


Marketing strategist

Honest online marketing

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